Hello BeYouTiful

Reinventing Yourself (with Leah Brathwaite)

Episode Summary

Samantha & Leah have both experienced that 'Oh shit- I think I'm living the wrong life' moment and in this conversation, they share how they navigated through the often uncomfortable steps of change. Essentially, walking away from 'good' to step into 'great'. Tune in today!

Episode Notes

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In this episode, Samantha speaks with Soul Advisor & Best Selling Author Leah Brathwait. Leah shares her inspiring story of 'having it all' to one day having an 'oh shit is this really my life' moment!

After admitting that she was not happy, she decided to change that. She realized she had been in a cult (which she stepped out of), ended her marriage, and gave space to navigate her next steps. After hitting the same wall over and over again, she decided it was time to ask for help, and through working with a coach she was able to find her purpose in life. Find out more at www.samantharuberto.com

The book Samantha and Leah are talking about is:  The  Alchemist from Paulo Coelho.