Hello BeYouTiful

The Secret Ingredient to Healthier Hair, Stronger Nails, Brighter Skin and Overall Better Health (ft Elaine Morrison)

Episode Summary

After being diagnosed with 2 autoimmune diseases (hypothyroid & hashimotos) Elaine Morrison, decided she needed to take her health into her own hands. She went on her own holistic healing journey which led her to finding a life changing product: collagen! She shares how her passion for this product brought her to discovering the collagen beverages industry, a niche which was a game changer for women's health. Today her company, 'Elaine Wellness' produces a high quality collagen powder and she is here to share the many invaluable life lessons she learned along the way.

Episode Notes

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Find Elaine:

https://elainewellness.com **Use the Promo Code: Sam15 to get 15% off of your order!


- Find a functional practitioner:https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
- Dr Brighten's Beyond the Pill: https://drbrighten.com/beyond-the-pill/
-Dr Sara Gottfried: https://www.saragottfriedmd.com

We talk about:

-The relationship between gut health and autoimmune disease, where you body falsely attacks itself.

-Overcoming hypothyroid, hashimotos  and improving our overall gut health. 

-Healing your guy by working with a functional medicine doctors or naturopathic doctor and healing your body through food and suppliments 

-Looking at illness as an opportunity of growth to look at what is or isn't serving us and being truthful with your lifestyle habits

-The importance of eating 'real food' 

-pivoting into new opportunities and following your own path

-Using her own set backs as an opportunity to create the niche of collagen beverages

-The rollercoaster of the highs and lows of the entrepreneurship journey

-The importance of living in integrity and making decisions from a place aligned with your personal values

-Benefits of collagen for your hair, nails, skin and how you can easily incorporate it into your diet. 

-The 'clean beauty' movement and how you can find products that have high standards that have better quality for you (non-GMO, grass-fed cattle, kosher, testing for heavy metals etc) and being mindful where your products are sourced, processed and packed

-Consequences of hormonal birth control pills and how they disturb your gut biome.

-All of the things you can do to contribute to your overall health: nutrition, exercise, sleep, healthy relationships

-Being proactive and focusing on preventative health measures to stay healthy

-The Dutch Test: hormones and cortisol, 'Beyond the Pill' Dr.Jolene Brighton, Dr. Sara Gottfried 
-What invaluable deep life lesson Elaines father taught Jim Carrey that has stuck with him for over 25 years: The importance of how people make you feel. 

-The importance of living your life in service to others and contribution. Showing up with your gifts in whatever way you can.
-Living boldly and going after the things you want in this life: just doing it!
-What we can learn and takeaway from this time of being in coronavirus.